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January 2024: Lubbock Electricity Deregulation

January 2024: Lubbock Electricity Deregulation


Jun 11, 2024

Attention Lubbock Residents: It's time to pick an electricity provider!

Summary / TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read)

· Lubbock Power and Light is transitioning to retail electric competition in January 2024

· Lubbock residents will be able to compare and shop from 15+ different providers based on price, % renewable, and other factors.

· Customer shopping will be available January 5 - February 15, 2024, to select a REP (retail electricity provider)

· If customers don't select a REP in that period, a default provider will be assigned at market rate (more expensive than fixed-rate plan) between February 19th – March 1st

· Full transition will happen between March 4th and April 2nd, 2024

· Check out Gatby a free service that can help you shop for a new electricity provider!

Navigating Lubbock's Electricity Deregulation: A Comprehensive Guide


Introduction: Embracing Change in Lubbock's Energy Landscape The city of Lubbock, Texas, is poised to experience a significant shift in its electricity market. Starting January 5, 2024, the long-standing monopoly on electricity supply will dissolve, paving the way for a diversified and competitive market. This guide is designed to provide you with all the information you need about Lubbock's electricity deregulation and how to navigate this new era of energy choice effectively.


Understanding the Timeline of Electricity Deregulation in Lubbock The process of deregulating Lubbock's electricity market is structured to ensure a smooth transition for consumers. The initial phase of customer choice enrollments will commence from January 5 to February 15, 2024. This period is crucial for consumers to explore various electricity rates and select the best provider for their needs, using tools like Gatby.

What Happens If You Don't Choose a Provider? If you don't actively select a retail electricity provider (REP) during the enrollment period, the city will assign you to a default provider at market rates. It's important to note that your electricity service will transition from Lubbock Power & Light to your new REP following your meter reading cycle, which will occur between March 4 and April 2, 2024.


The Role of Lubbock Power & Light Post-Deregulation Even after deregulation, Lubbock Power & Light will continue to play a pivotal role as the utility company. They will be responsible for reading your meter, maintaining the infrastructure, and responding to emergencies. Your chosen retail electricity supplier will handle power supply, customer service, and billing.


Exploring the Basics of Deregulation and Electricity Choice in Lubbock Electricity deregulation essentially separates the generation, supply, and delivery of electricity into different entities. This separation allows consumers to choose from various retail electricity providers (REPs), rather than being limited to a single electricity company. Regardless of the provider you select, your local delivery company will continue to ensure the delivery of power and respond in emergencies.


The Benefits of Electricity Deregulation One of the primary advantages of deregulation is the power of choice. Consumers are no longer bound to a fixed rate from their local utility company. Instead, they can choose from a range of options, including fixed-rate electricity plans, renewable energy offerings, and plans with innovative technologies like batteries and solar. This competition among electricity providers helps in keeping the prices competitive and fair.


Lubbock's Journey to Electricity Deregulation The move towards deregulation was influenced by various factors. Lubbock Power & Light, initially operating under the Southwest Power Pool (SPP), faced a critical decision due to increasing demand and population growth. The choices were either to invest heavily in a new power plant or to join the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), which operates the Texas grid. By joining ERCOT, Lubbock gained access to a larger market and more competitive pricing.


Frequently Asked Questions about Lubbock's Electricity Deregulation

  1. When does electricity choice start in Lubbock, Texas? Electricity choice in Lubbock will be available from January 5 to February 15, 2024.

  2. Can I opt out of electricity deregulation in Lubbock? Opting out is not possible. If you do not select a provider during the enrollment period, you will be assigned to the Provider of Last Resort (POLR), which generally will be more expensive.

  3. How do I find the cheapest electricity plan in Lubbock? Check out Gatby! After the choice period has started, you can leverage our platform to shop from trust fixed-rate provider with competitive plans.


Conclusion: Preparing for a New Era of Energy in Lubbock As Lubbock transitions into a deregulated electricity market, consumers are encouraged to embrace this change and leverage the opportunities it brings. By staying informed, comparing rates, and understanding the market dynamics, Lubbock residents can make educated decisions about their electricity providers, potentially leading to cost savings and better service options.

About the author

Brenna Swientonioski

Brenna Swientonioski

Head of Growth

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