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Switching Your Electricity Provider in Texas: A Comprehensive Guide

Switching Your Electricity Provider in Texas: A Comprehensive Guide


Jun 11, 2024

Comprehensive guide on switching electricity providers in Texas


In Texas, the power to choose your electricity provider is in your hands, thanks to the deregulated market. This comprehensive guide is designed to walk you through the steps of switching electricity providers in Texas, providing insights into the benefits, the process, and what you should be aware of.

Understanding Deregulation and Your Options

Deregulated Market: Texas's deregulated electricity market, encompassing about 80% of the state, including major cities like Houston and Dallas, allows you to choose your own retail electric provider​​.

Key Reasons for Switching Providers

  1. Relocation: Moving to a new area might necessitate a switch if your current provider doesn't serve the new location​​.
  2. Seeking Better Plans: Desire for a different type of electricity plan, such as moving from a variable-rate to a fixed-rate plan​​.
  3. Cost Savings: Finding a provider offering a more competitive rate than your current one​​.

Step-by-Step Guide to Switching

  1. Identify Your Current Provider: Understand who your current provider is and the details of your plan.
  2. Examine Plan Terms: Review the terms, type, and rate of your current electricity plan.
  3. Compare Available Providers: Research the rates, terms, and benefits of different providers available in your area.
  4. Initiate the Switch: Contact the new provider to start the switching process.
  5. Seamless Transition: Your new provider will handle the transition from your old provider​​.

Timing of the Switch

  • The switch usually completes within 7 business days but can be faster with some providers​​.

Considerations Before Switching

  • Early Termination Fees: Be aware of potential fees if you're in a fixed-rate contract. It's advisable to switch if the new plan's savings outweigh these fees​​.

Choosing Between Supplier and Provider

  • Electric Supplier vs. Provider: In deregulated areas, you can choose your retail electric provider, but not your utility company, which supplies the electricity​​.


Switching your electricity provider in Texas is a straightforward process, offering you the freedom to choose a plan that best fits your needs and budget. By understanding the deregulated market, reasons for switching, and the steps involved, you can make an informed decision through Gatby that could lead to significant savings and more satisfactory service.

About the author

Benji Thomas

Benji Thomas

Chief Executive Officer

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